
Carbon 12 đánh giá

4.3 /511 đánh giá
Nội dung gốc
Carbon 12 Art Museum has many different paintings, which are famous masterpieces. There are many visitors and local people like it.

Carbon 12

Đăng ngày: 19 Thg11, 2015
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  • 晚风凉凉呼呼
    5/5Nổi trội
    Nội dung gốc

    11111 thực sự tốt hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    Đăng ngày: 16 Thg11, 2021
  • Jessicababy
    5/5Nổi trội
    Nội dung gốc

    Many new and internationally renowned artists'paintings, statues and pictures are displayed. In the white cube exhibition hall, the lines of the works of art are clear.

    Đăng ngày: 7 Thg11, 2015
  • _rr***68
    5/5Nổi trội
    Nội dung gốc

    There are many private collection exhibition areas, many rooms or studios, accept the purchase of some outsiders, the theme of the works is very rich. Super sensation

    Đăng ngày: 21 Thg10, 2016
  • 爱爱李
    4/5Rất tốt
    Nội dung gốc

    The main collection of the gallery is European and American art. There are many private collection exhibition areas, many rooms or studios, which accept the purchase of some foreign people, and the theme of the works is very rich.

    Đăng ngày: 11 Thg3, 2016
  • 艾李李
    4/5Rất tốt
    Nội dung gốc

    Carbon 12 Art Museum has a lot of art works. The paintings in this gallery are all Western style. There are many sculptures in the white exhibition hall. It has a strong three-dimensional sense.

    Đăng ngày: 18 Thg7, 2016
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