Tổng quanGần đó

Shangsu Town

13 đánh giá
dựa trên 1 đánh giá
Làng Cổ
Mở cửa quanh năm, 24/7
Thời gian thăm quan đề xuất:0.5-1 ngày
Địa chỉ:
Songjiazhuang Town, Yu County, ChinaBản đồ
Bình luận của du khách:

Located near the south exit of Yuxian County, Zhangshi Expressway, this ancient village is also one of the 800 ancient castles in Yuxian County. I came here in the dark on the third day of New Year's Day. The castle was quiet. Many houses were destroyed and few people were there. Only an old man who drew water from the well at the entrance of the castle was met. The pictures were taken after dark, including the castle gate, the Sanyi Temple and so on.

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Gần Đó Shangsu Town