Tổng quanGần đóChi tiết

Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium

7 đánh giá
dựa trên 2036 đánh giá
Thủy Cung
Hôm nay không mở cửa Mở cửa ngày mai lúc 9:30-17:30
Thời gian thăm quan đề xuất:3 tiếng đồng hồ
Địa chỉ:
7370 Baker St, Pittsburgh, PA 15206, United StatesBản đồ
Điện thoại: +1 412-665-3640
Bình luận của du khách:

This is a very old zoo. We were very busy when we went there on Saturdays. You can easily see the whole zoo and aquarium in an afternoon. There are many animals and exhibits here. Most of the animals are in the fence, which makes it easy to take pictures. Aquarium is not Atlanta style, but it's suitable for children. Adult tickets are 16. There are discounts for students, soldiers and the elderly. Twelve of us, aged over 50 and younger than 6 months, enjoyed it very much. We recommend visiting here.

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