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The Round House

20 đánh giá
Di Tích Lịch Sử
Hôm nay không mở cửa Mở cửa ngày mai lúc 10:30-15:30
Thời gian thăm quan đề xuất:2-3 tiếng đồng hồ
Địa chỉ:
15 Captains Ln, Fremantle WA 6160, AustraliaBản đồ
Điện thoại: +61 8 9336 6897
Bình luận của du khách:

The Round House is the oldest prison in Freemantle, Western Australia. It has a history of nearly 200 years. It is a building built of boulders. Its walls are very high. It forms a round fortress. In the middle, it is the place where the prisoners lived. It was a very advanced prison at that time. Now it has become a world cultural heritage for everyone to visit.

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