Tổng quanGần đó

Notre Dame de Lourdes

27 đánh giá
dựa trên 413 đánh giá
Nhà Thờ & Thánh Đường
Đang mở cửa Mở cửa vào 8:30-19:00
Thời gian thăm quan đề xuất:1-2 tiếng đồng hồ
Địa chỉ:
H9MM+3Q7, Casablanca 20250, MoroccoBản đồ
Điện thoại: +212 665-252528
Bình luận của du khách:

Ludl Church is a Catholic church. The itinerary was not planned. Our kind guide was afraid that we didn't have a good time in Casablanca, so he offered to take us to the church at his own expense. The appearance feels very ordinary, but when you walk in, you are surprised. The glass art is simple and amazing. The design of each window is different. The color is gorgeous and the characters are vivid. It is absolutely worth seeing. We went without a week, so we could take pictures at will.

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Gần Đó Notre Dame de Lourdes