Yunting Yishan Boutique Homestay (Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village)

Các đánh giá Yunting Yishan Boutique Homestay (Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village)

Yunting Yishan Boutique Homestay (Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village)

Group 7, Nangui Village, Xijiang Town, Leishan, Guizhou, ChinaXem thông tin khách sạn
Yunting Yishan Boutique Homestay (Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village)
Yunting Yishan Boutique Homestay (Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village)Yunting Yishan Boutique Homestay (Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village)Yunting Yishan Boutique Homestay (Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village)
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308 đánh giá
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Trang thiết bị4.3
Dịch vụ4.5
Vệ sinh4.4
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Andi Sutrisno
Phòng 2 giường cao cấp
Lưu trú vào Mar 2024
Vợ chồng
14 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào Mar 19, 2024
The location is easy to reach and near the electric car shuttle service to go back and forth into the Miao Village. The breakfast fits us well: noodle, bun and egg, also soya bean as the drink. Ms. Jin Hai Yen helped us a lot from picking us up from the west gate to the homestay and gave direction and a lot of information although we have language barrier as we can not speak Chinese language. Their room is clean and bedsheets are also clean. We certainly would come back to stay there if we ever visit the place again in the future.
Fei Xien Chang
Phòng 2 giường cao cấp
Lưu trú vào May 2024
Một mình
13 đánh giá
Rất Tốt
Đăng tải vào May 21, 2024
As I did not have the wetchat , the receptionist meet me nearby the drop off point after entering the main entrance after ticketing. She gave me a free upgrade to compensate the free gift wine which out of stock. The room is huge and bright.Very near to the observation deck and convenience to go the main paddy field from hotel. Hotel is under renovation,a little noisy and dusty.Room insulation and WiFi is weak. However the receptionist is helpful.
Tài Khoản Khách
Deluxe Duplex Room - Mountain-View
Lưu trú vào Sep 2024
Gia đình
11 đánh giá
Rất Tốt
Đăng tải vào Sep 7, 2024
Người Dùng Ẩn Danh
Family Friendly Room - Mountain-View, Courtyard-View
Lưu trú vào Sep 2024
Vợ chồng
1 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào Sep 3, 2024
Mountain-view Double Room (With balcony)
Lưu trú vào Jul 2024
Gia đình
4 đánh giá
Đăng tải vào Jul 25, 2024
我們不建議住在這家酒店。它唯一的優點是位置,因為它就在入口旁邊,但為了少走一點路而和蟑螂一起睡覺是不值得的。 我們下午到達那裡。他們給了我們一個很臟的房間(看起來根本沒有打掃過),裏面還有以前客人用過的用品。最重要的是,無線網絡不能用,沒有洗髮水或毛巾等用品,窗户也不能完全關閉。這家酒店位於山邊,如果不考慮這一點,它可能會導致很多昆蟲問題,你會在幾行中讀到。 在向接待處説了這些之後,他們把我們換到了另一個房間。那也不乾淨。我們回來睡覺,但根本睡不着。接待處的人和我們隔壁房間裏的幾個朋友喝酒,發出很大的聲音。但最糟糕的是,一衹蟑螂出現了。 酒店的解決方案是在前台噴灑殺蟲劑。 晚上,幾衹像照片中那樣的蟑螂不知從哪裡冒出來,甚至出現在床上。他們沒有給我們換房間的選擇,而是讓這種情況正常化,可能是因為其他房間也像我們的一樣被蟑螂侵擾。 還要提到的是熱水壞了,酒店説這是因為其他客人都用完了,需要時間補充。淋浴排水管也壞了,所以浴室完全被水淹沒了。 畢竟,即使我們與 Trip 交談,他們也聯繫了酒店,酒店也拒絕賠償我們。 需要澄清的是,這不是一次便宜的住宿。我們帶着很大的期待預訂了這家酒店,一晚花了近 800 元人民幣(100 歐元)。顯然,這完全不值得。以我們付款的價格來説,這可能是我們旅行中最糟糕的經歷。如果你很看重錢和可接受的衞生條件,那就找其他地方住吧。 -------------------------- We don't recommend staying at this hotel. The only good thing it has is the location, as it is next to the entrance, but it's not worth sleeping with cockroaches just to walk a little bit less. We arrived there during the afternoon. They gave us a room that was dirty (it looked like it hadn't been cleaned at all) and with used utilities from previous guests. On top of that, the wifi was not working, there were no utilities like shampoo or towels and the window wouldn't close entirely. The hotel is located next to the mountains, and if this is not taken into account it can lead to a lot of insect problems as you will read in a few lines. After saying that to the reception, they moved us to another room. It was not clean either. We came back to sleep, but we couldn't sleep at all. The guy from the reception was having a drink night with some friends in the room next to us, making a lot of noises. But the worst part came when a cockroach appeared. The hotel's solution to it was a bug spray that they had at the reception. During the night, several cockroaches like the one in the photo were coming out of nowhere, appearing even on top of the bed. They didn't gave us the option of changing rooms and normalized the situation, probably because the other rooms were as infestated as ours. Mention also that the hot water didn't work and the hotel said that happened because other guests used all of it and it needed time to recharge. The shower drain didn't work either, so the bathroom was completely flooded. After all, the hotel refused to compensate us even when we spoke to Trip and they contacted it. Just to clarify, it was not a cheap stay. We booked it with a lot of anticipation and we paid near 800 RMB (100 euros) for a single night. Obviously, it was totally not worth it. Probably the worst experience of our lives while travelling for the price we paid. Look for another place to stay if you value your money and acceptable higienic conditions.
Tài Khoản Khách
Phòng 2 giường cao cấp
Lưu trú vào Sep 2024
Một mình
1 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào Sep 11, 2024
前台小姐姐真的好熱情 ,然後房間乾淨衞生住着很舒服床很軟很軟 睡着都不想起 早上起來空氣好好。早餐很好吃。這家店真的給我很好的體驗感
Tài Khoản Khách
Phòng 2 giường cao cấp
Lưu trú vào Jul 2024
Gia đình
6 đánh giá
Đáng Kinh Ngạc
Đăng tải vào Jul 16, 2024
這間民宿離長肖站和觀景台都很近,步行方便。進房間的一瞬間有驚喜到,一是色彩搭配很美,二是有個看山景的小院子,坐下來特別放鬆。 前台妹妹親自來長肖站接我們,有問必答,很有耐心。看我帶幾個孩子,還免費為我們從1.2米的雙床房升級成親子房,特別暖心。 早餐時的工作人員也特別暖心,有米線和豆漿饅頭雞蛋等等選擇,味道不錯。
Người Dùng Ẩn Danh
Mountain-view Double Room (With balcony)
Lưu trú vào Aug 2024
Gia đình
2 đánh giá
Đăng tải vào Aug 7, 2024
Deluxe Duplex Room - Mountain-View
Lưu trú vào Jul 2024
Gia đình
36 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào Jul 6, 2024
Người Dùng Ẩn Danh
Phòng 2 giường Hướng núi
Lưu trú vào May 2024
Vợ chồng
5 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào May 8, 2024
Mountain-view Double Room (With balcony)
Lưu trú vào Apr 2024
Một mình
7 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào Apr 14, 2024
位置:西門進出的話,地理位置非常好。西門在山頂,酒店和觀景台在半山腰,各風雨橋和大小景點都在山腳。其實山腳有無數民宿,但因為不想爬台階所以選擇了住半山腰,這次看來住半山腰更好,雖然周邊商鋪少但是離觀景台近。 服務:前台人很好,會提前電話對接的,也會不厭其煩説旅行線路。 自製米酒:贈送了。
Mountain-view Double Room (With balcony)
Lưu trú vào May 2024
Gia đình
9 đánh giá
Đăng tải vào May 21, 2024
除了相比觀景台和1號橋那邊安靜一點來説,沒有什麼讓人覺得舒服的地方; 房間設施一般,窗紗都沒有,不敢開窗就怕蚊蟲進來,但我又最喜歡通風,所以沒法接受;
Tài Khoản Khách
Phòng 2 giường cao cấp
Lưu trú vào Apr 2024
Du lịch cùng bạn bè
1 đánh giá
Đăng tải vào Apr 7, 2024
衞生環境一般,我下單時特意備註了要清潔,還是一般。 住宿的話是一點看不到苗寨的風景的,衹能看到面前的山。入住後,可能因為是木質房,隔音很差,凌晨兩點,還可以聽到外面車輛的聲音,早上7.30左右,樓上的人走動,一清二楚(可以説出步數,然後猜測大概在幹嘛的這種程度)。房屋結構不穩定,樓上走動,靠窗的牆都在抖動。硬件上的話,馬桶不固定,窗户關不緊,洗澡沒有淋浴頭(後來找了很久找到了)。優點衹有一個,就是離西門較近,做景區車就可以大概到,適當鍛鍊。可是有的店可以坐車直達誒,不用走。 服務就是挺一般,入住後,我凌晨1點左右回去,已經沒有人了,所以東西找不到也沒辦法,但民宿沒有人也是正常。再有,我在攜程定的時候,説有水果,有米酒,實際上沒有,米酒還是我要了一小瓶。其次就是旅拍的情況,我們為了拍網紅雲亭定的這,就算他們合作的雲亭旅拍。旅拍他一定要,定了酒店,才會給你報價,入住有優惠券嘛,報價就是比現場貴的,其次,苗寨的旅拍真的很多,雲亭旅拍還挺貴的,就網上溝通情況的話,就是需要加化粧費的,就沒去拍。 最後,住宿,旅拍都不推薦了。
Tài Khoản Khách
Mountain-view Double Room (With balcony)
Lưu trú vào May 2024
Một mình
1 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào May 12, 2024
Tài Khoản Khách
Phòng 2 giường cao cấp
Lưu trú vào May 2024
Một mình
1 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào May 8, 2024