Ryokan Maizuru <Iwate>

Các đánh giá Ryokan Maizuru <Iwate>

Ryokan Maizuru <Iwate>

130, Shirayama, Hiraizumi, Hiraizumi-Cho, Nishiiwai-Gun, Iwate 029-4102, Hiraizumi Town, Nishiiwai District, Iwate Prefecture, 029-4102, JapanXem thông tin khách sạn
Ryokan Maizuru <Iwate>
Ryokan Maizuru <Iwate>Ryokan Maizuru <Iwate>Ryokan Maizuru <Iwate>
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Đáng Kinh Ngạc
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Tài Khoản Khách
Phòng kiểu Nhật mới với tầm nhìn công viên tiêu chuẩn không hút thuốc
Lưu trú vào thg 6, 2024
Vợ chồng
4 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 5 thg 7, 2024
服務親切,選擇一泊二食方案,餐點偏日式洋風創意料理,與過往在溫泉飯店常見的日式懷石料理不太一樣,很特別的體驗,感受到店家的用心。 澡堂小小的24小時開放,簡單的泡一下湯也不錯。 房間簡單乾淨,附上茶具組及原葉茶包,可以簡單泡茶休息一下,很愜意!
Phòng kiểu Nhật mới với tầm nhìn công viên tiêu chuẩn không hút thuốc
Lưu trú vào thg 7, 2024
Vợ chồng
69 đánh giá
Đáng Kinh Ngạc
Đăng tải vào 27 thg 7, 2024
Tài Khoản Khách
Phòng kiểu Nhật mới với tầm nhìn công viên tiêu chuẩn không hút thuốc
Lưu trú vào thg 1, 2024
Một mình
173 đánh giá
Đáng Kinh Ngạc
Đăng tải vào 23 thg 1, 2024
Phòng kiểu Nhật mới với tầm nhìn công viên tiêu chuẩn không hút thuốc
Lưu trú vào thg 9, 2023
Du lịch cùng bạn bè
9 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 3 thg 11, 2023
Tài Khoản Khách
Phòng kiểu Nhật mới với tầm nhìn công viên tiêu chuẩn không hút thuốc
Lưu trú vào thg 11, 2023
Một mình
7 đánh giá
Rất Tốt
Đăng tải vào 27 thg 11, 2023
Phòng kiểu Nhật mới với tầm nhìn công viên tiêu chuẩn không hút thuốc
Lưu trú vào thg 2, 2024
Gia đình
1 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 20 thg 2, 2024
Tài Khoản Khách
Lưu trú vào thg 12, 2023
Đăng tải vào 16 thg 12, 2023
This place could have and should have been wonderful. It was our final 3 night accommodation before returning home and we so looked forward to our 10 tatami room with park view. (Description from their website: “New Wing Standard Park View Japanese-Style Room, 10 tatami mats Non-Smoking [no bath, toilet with washer]”). On the website you have to check the Japanese to see the tatami size, in English it shows square meters. You can imagine our shock when we were shown our 6 tatami room. There was hardly enough floor space for the two futons along with the low table and two chairs, let alone luggage for two people on a 6 week Japan trip. Our one window looked out on the parking lot. If you squinted and look to the right you could glimpse the trees bordering Kanjizaiō-in Ato and perhaps the parking lot for Motsuji Temple. We had little interest in a view, but the fact that the room was described as having a “Standard Park View” was very misleading. We tried to arrange for a change of room. We were told there were no vacancies; the ryokan has only 6 rooms. Although there were rooms unoccupied on other nights of our stay, we were not offered them, though we would gladly have changed rooms mid-stay to get more floor space. We were also told there was no difference in price from the 6 tatami to the 10 tatami room so no refund was offered. Had we known this was the room we were going to be given, we would not have made the reservation. We have been coming to Japan twice a year since 1999, and this is the first time we have had such a problem with the room being so different from the one we reserved. As a “make nice” we were given beer free of charge with each of our dinners, but, quite frankly, it was no substitute for our cramped quarters. The baths were very small, probably no more than two people could fit comfortably at a time. The meals were lovingly prepared and served. It’s clear that the point of this ryokan is the food, not the accommodations, though the property was quite new and spotless. The care and attention to detail given by the chef was obvious with each course and each plate chosen specially to enhance the food. The chef or his assistant came to our table and gave us a brief description of each plate; much longer descriptions in Japanese were given to other guests, but we appreciated the chef’s trying to let us know something about the food we were served. I wish there were a way to rate the ryokan for food separate from accommodation. I took what would be our two ratings and averaged them.
Lưu trú vào thg 4, 2023
Vợ chồng
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 23 thg 4, 2023
Very comfortable inn with bath house. We stayed in a twin western room with bathroom. Had everything we needed. Bed was firm but comfortable. The dinner we had was the “premium” set which was diverse, generous and delicious. Friendly and helpful people!
Tài Khoản Khách
Lưu trú vào thg 1, 2023
Vợ chồng
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 4 thg 1, 2023
It's a well done blend of a modern new building with retaining some of the traditional ryokan feel. The dinner served was exquisite to both the eye and the pallat. The bath was small, but hot enough. I have stayed in countless ryokans during my multiple visits to Japan over the past 30 plus years and this was an enjoyable experience
Tài Khoản Khách
Lưu trú vào thg 6, 2024
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 30 thg 6, 2024
立地は、平泉駅、毛越寺に近く、中尊寺にも徒歩圏内。宿で荷物を預かって貰えますので、世界遺産平泉は全て歩いて廻れます。(達谷窟毘沙門堂も頑張れば、徒歩可能ですが、駅でレンタサイクルかタクシーがお勧め) 設備、客室はシンプルですが、新しく清潔で快適です。 料理はバリエーション豊かで、一品一品全て手が込んでいて、とても美味しく綺麗です。絶対に食事付きで、予約して下さい。 スタッフの方の対応もとても心地よいです。 また、来ます。
Tài Khoản Khách
Lưu trú vào thg 1, 2024
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 7 thg 1, 2024
Tài Khoản Khách
Lưu trú vào thg 6, 2023
Vợ chồng
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 29 thg 6, 2023
横浜から車で平泉世界遺産観光するための宿として、中尊寺・毛越寺などに近い旅館 舞鶴に2泊しました。今回は平泉に2泊したので11年前に厳美渓と猊鼻渓を訪れた際に行けなかった世界遺産の中尊寺 金色堂などをじっくり観光できてよかったです。 旅館 舞鶴は6部屋のこじんまりした旅館ですが、夕食が大変美味しいことは特筆できます。とろけるようなA5ランク岩手牛の陶板焼きと、大トロまぐろは最高。その他にもご主人作のたくさんの創作料理が並びます。どれもおいしく、お酒とご飯が進みました。
Tài Khoản Khách
Lưu trú vào thg 9, 2023
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 28 thg 9, 2023
二度目の宿泊です。 昨年は、友人と宿泊しましたが、今年は、家内と二人で宿泊しました。 昨年、夕食、朝食と工夫されたとても美味しく美しい食事で、家内と二人で泊まりたいと思って、再訪しました。 今回も、二食とも最高でした。 お腹一杯まで食べて、昼食が要らなかったぐらいです。 風呂は、少人数向けですが、大きな宿では無く、他のお客さんと一緒になる事もないと思いますので、全く、問題なく、綺麗に掃除も行き届いていて、快適でした。 今回、宿泊した部屋は新しめで、きれいな部屋ですが、二人で6畳は、小さめです。ニ人には、必要最小限という感じですが、快適に過ごせる宿でした。 また、毛越寺、蓮華王院は宿の駐車場を出て直ぐで、場所も最高で、毛越寺駐車場を利用する必要もなく、便利ですし、宿の場所も分かり易い所にあります。 中尊寺も、平泉駅も、近くですので、車で無くても、便利な宿です。
Tài Khoản Khách
Lưu trú vào thg 7, 2023
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 31 thg 7, 2023
料理が素晴らしかったです。 Aランクのお肉や大トロなど食材が最高級で、多くの前菜も説明つき。 一つ一つのお料理が心を込めて、作られていました。岩手のお野菜もふんだんに使われていました。 お腹いっぱいになりました。 建物も新しく、部屋にお風呂はありませんが、お風呂もつかいやすかったです。 場所は毛越寺のすぐそば。駐車場もたくさんあります。前もって置かせていただき、毛越寺参拝させていただきました。助かりました。 本当に素晴らしい旅館でした。絶対おすすめです‼️
Tài Khoản Khách
Lưu trú vào thg 1, 2023
Vợ chồng
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 4 thg 1, 2023
立地としては、毛越寺の目の前です。歩いて観光に行けます。 そして、兎に角、料理が最高です。 前菜の小鉢はどれも手の込んだ食べたことがないような味で、一つ一つの小鉢が際立って美味しかったです。また、普段の料理ならメインになる料理が2品3品と出てきます。大満足でお腹いっぱい食べ終わったと思ったタイミングで、新鮮な果物と甘〜いぜんざいが出てきました。流石に食べきれずデザートは部屋に持ち帰らせていただきました。