Qianmojian Shanye Holiday Hostel

Các đánh giá Qianmojian Shanye Holiday Hostel

Qianmojian Shanye Holiday Hostel

Zhaishang Natural Village, Chun'an, Zhejiang, ChinaXem thông tin khách sạn
Qianmojian Shanye Holiday Hostel
Qianmojian Shanye Holiday HostelQianmojian Shanye Holiday HostelQianmojian Shanye Holiday Hostel
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Chúng Tôi Khớp Giá
1 đêm

Đánh giá của khách

223 đánh giá
Đánh giá đã xác thực
Vị trí4.5
Trang thiết bị4.3
Dịch vụ4.4
Vệ sinh4.4
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Lưu trú vào thg 8, 2023
Gia đình
3 đánh giá
Đăng tải vào 3 thg 9, 2023
Not good at all, far from the city, difficult to get a taxi in the upper entrance to go to the lake, pool not usable, similar breakfast everyday etc ... Friendly staff
Marian Arianna
Lưu trú vào thg 9, 2022
Vợ chồng
6 đánh giá
Rất Tốt
Đăng tải vào 12 thg 9, 2022
It is a special spot out of the city, great view, it wasn't too complicated to get there, and you can get Didi's quickly.
Tài Khoản Khách
Lưu trú vào thg 10, 2021
Du lịch cùng bạn bè
25 đánh giá
Đăng tải vào 1 thg 11, 2021
Dishonest and Poor Communication We were looking forward to our stay but poor and dishonest communication and service unfortunately ruined it. It started at arrival, where they had told us there would be someone to help us carry our bags up the 10-minute long steep incline to the accommodation, but there was nobody. The manager, who met us to guide us, did not help us herself until we literally had to stop from exhaustion. Most importantly, when we arrived we were taken to a different room than we had originally booked. The hotel manager kept insisting this was an upgrade, but the room did not have most of the amenities we paid for. It also had a foul odor. When we checked the price of the room she was trying to give us as an “upgrade”, it was 500 RMB/night less than our original room. They had offered us no money off at all. When we showed the manager this, she made excuses, saying the price depends on the “family” and is automatically “adjusted” which is was obviously a lie. Finally, after much arguing, we were moved into our original room. We requested an extra pillow and a blanket multiple times. She only gave us a flat sheet, saying we could use the pillow and blanket from the bed. On our second night, we confirmed in advance that we wanted non-spicy to low spicy food. It came extemely spicy, covered in chillies and chilli oil. The manager blamed the ayi. The food was delicious but unfortunately I could barely eat it because it was just too spicy. When leaving, the manager was trying to rush us out because the taxi we had requested came early. She said no goodbye to us, told us to hurry and “go, go, go”. Later she sent us a goodbye message on wechat. The location and the infrastructure of the hotel are beautiful. It is a great place to relax and reflect. The old ladies working there were friendly and lovely. However, the manager was patently trying to take advantage of us, and not listening to us or communicating honestly or clearly. We wanted to come back to this hotel with our friends, but we will look for another hotel in Qiandao that will not try to take advantage of us.
Tài Khoản Khách
Lưu trú vào thg 4, 2022
Vợ chồng
37 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 4 thg 4, 2022
Nice hotel home stay area in a gorgeous location just outside of the downtown area. Quiet and peaceful but still convenient (can order taxis no problem). Nice comfy room and a good vibe in the shared outdoors areas 👍 Staff helped recommend some good local spots for kayaking too.
Lưu trú vào thg 12, 2021
Du lịch cùng bạn bè
4 đánh giá
Đáng Kinh Ngạc
Đăng tải vào 4 thg 1, 2022
Great place off the beaten path for a retreat! Clean and nice. Will stay again.
Guestroom - Mountain-View
Lưu trú vào thg 8, 2024
Du lịch cùng bạn bè
5 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 4 thg 8, 2024
Tài Khoản Khách
Discount Room
Lưu trú vào thg 7, 2024
Du lịch cùng bạn bè
1 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 13 thg 7, 2024
Tài Khoản Khách
Discount Room
Lưu trú vào thg 8, 2024
Vợ chồng
4 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 18 thg 8, 2024
Guestroom - Mountain-View
Lưu trú vào thg 9, 2024
Vợ chồng
3 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 9 thg 9, 2024
Tài Khoản Khách
Lưu trú vào thg 6, 2024
Gia đình
3 đánh giá
Tuyệt Vời
Đăng tải vào 10 thg 6, 2024
設施:智能馬桶、中央空調,乾淨整潔。 環境:環境那沒話説,對了,李子很甜,綉球花很美,第二次來了、 服務:服務很到位,一站式團隊服務,剛好遇到下雨天,怕最後那段路不好走,都接送服務的,還有歡迎水果,都很熱情好客。
Tài Khoản Khách
Lưu trú vào thg 4, 2024
Du lịch cùng bạn bè
1 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 11 thg 5, 2024
Tài Khoản Khách
Lưu trú vào thg 5, 2024
Vợ chồng
2 đánh giá
Đăng tải vào 2 thg 5, 2024
非常差!非常非常不滿意的地方!這輩子的差評都給這地方了! 首先:到停車場前10分鐘就發了訊息給前台説10分鐘之內到停車場來接應一下,結果到了之後又等了10分鐘才來人接應,拖着行李走陡峭的山路再是走了10分鐘才到房間 到房間後:洗手間燈是破的,水是冷的沒有熱水,叫服務員來看説要不然你們退房吧,我們沒房了,我一會兒就下班了這兒沒人了,已經晚上11:30了)完全就是欺客!房間的牆壁也是破破爛爛好幾個洞還有蜘蛛!直到第二天退房也沒人來修過燈!完全摸黑洗臉(中間給拿了兩盞燈過來沒多久就沒電了) 第二天早起吃完早飯在拍風景照片,就過來跟我們説12點要退房,在我看來直接就是趕人走的意思別耽誤他們嚯嚯下一個倒黴蛋,房間也是不打算修的,我定的729完全就是打水漂! 最後退房也是很噁心:12點左右我在收拾東西的時候,就一直在微信上催我們趕緊滾蛋😡我直接發火了,這麼差的環境和服務態度以為我想多待麼?房間的燈來修過麼?12:15催命啊還説我們已經推遲了半小時!瞎啊她!最後去退房前台人沒有我還是把房卡交給門衞的,根本不想見到那*****人! 希望看到評論的不要選擇這家民宿,一無是處!一絲優點都沒有!頂多就是樹多在山頂,服務超差!對千島湖的印象都大打折扣
Tài Khoản Khách
Discount Room
Lưu trú vào thg 7, 2024
Một mình
1 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 16 thg 7, 2024
Tài Khoản Khách
Lưu trú vào thg 3, 2024
Gia đình
23 đánh giá
Đăng tải vào 1 thg 4, 2024
先説説好的一面:整體環境不錯,燒烤不錯,是個露營看日落的好地方,很田園的風格。 需要改進的地方:1.點了果盤反覆確認最終也沒有送 2.蟲子多,遇到四五個在窗簾,門縫爬行的**蟲和蜘蛛. 3.浴缸蓄不住水,白浪費了這麼大浴缸,放了幾個小時水,最後發現浴缸塞根本不牢固,堵不住水。4.濕氣大,被子枕頭有黴味 5.房間整體偏陳舊了 6.數據線竟然要掃碼付費才能充電,長見識了 很客觀評價了,希望店家看到能有所改進。
Tài Khoản Khách
Lưu trú vào thg 3, 2024
Du lịch cùng bạn bè
1 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 15 thg 3, 2024
房間整體質感超讚!衞生間特別好看舒適,細節滿分💯尤其床墊真的要特意誇,軟硬適中超級好睡!! 還有就是每天都吃得好好啊! 阿姨手藝真的是太好了,尤其是葉菜,真的是鮮嫩可口,讓我這個不愛吃菜的人都深深愛上了吃菜~ 整體就是體驗感非常好的一次旅行,深度放鬆,太治癒了!