Crowne Plaza Beijing Sun Palace

Các đánh giá Crowne Plaza Beijing Sun Palace

Crowne Plaza Beijing Sun Palace

Yunnan Building, No.12, Qisheng Street Middle, Beijing, ChinaXem thông tin khách sạn
Crowne Plaza Beijing Sun Palace
Crowne Plaza Beijing Sun PalaceCrowne Plaza Beijing Sun PalaceCrowne Plaza Beijing Sun Palace
Xem phòng trống cho ngày đi của bạn
编组 10
Chúng Tôi Khớp Giá
1 đêm

Đánh giá của khách

Nổi Bật
1151 đánh giá
Đánh giá đã xác thực
Vị trí4.7
Trang thiết bị4.7
Dịch vụ4.7
Vệ sinh4.8
Lọc theo:
Sắp xếp theo:
Tất cả đánh giá(1151)
Đánh giá tích cực(1125)
Đánh giá có ảnh/video(145)
Bữa sáng ngon(103)
Phòng lớn(45)
Nhân viên quầy lễ tân thân thiện(33)
Tuyệt vời khi đi công tác(26)
Hồ bơi tuyệt vời(25)
Đã ở nhiều lần(18)
Trà chiều tuyệt vời(12)
Gần sân bay(6)
Đánh giá tiêu cực(26)
Tài Khoản Khách
Superior Room (2 beds)
Lưu trú vào Thg3, 2024
Người đi công tác
1 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 17 Thg3, 2024
Overall, this hotel is decent place to rest and recover after a long time fight. The staff in the reception is very kind and helpful. They really pay attention to the details and make sure everyone having a good time and a lot of fun.
Superior Room (2 beds)
Lưu trú vào Thg6, 2024
Gia đình
3 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 27 Thg6, 2024
We arrived at the Crowne Plaza in the afternoon, from the airport. As the valet took the bags out the car, I suddenly realised I had taken the wrong suitcase from the baggage claim. The manager on duty began our check-in and called over the director of Guest services, Alex Li. Alex was incredible! He immediately found the number of and called the airline for me. Realising my bag had been taken, he set out to organise an exchange for me, should the other person get hold of the airline. We continued checking in - getting a free upgrade due to my having an IHG membership, regardless of my zero points - and went to the family suite. The room was brilliant. We had 3 adults sharing the area, but the living room, 1 bathroom, 1 extra toilet and beds in separate areas allowed for privacy and space. It was clean and well organised, and the view from the 20th floor was good. We left for dinner downtown, during which I received a personal call from Alex. He had stayed in touch with the airline counter and had found my bag! He spoke with the other passenger and arranged a direct transfer, which he later assisted me with (translating, negotiation, etc.) I was very grateful to him for his kindness and above-and-beyond service. At breakfast at ‘The Market’, we received a warm welcome from all staff. Everyone’s English was very good and the service staff were friendly and polite. Our table was also quickly cleaned whenever a plate was finished; a nice change in China. The food was nice for a hotel breakfast, with many options, and we enjoyed it. We decided to try the set menu from the ‘The Market’ for dinner. For ¥158, we had focaccia starter and could choose 1-of-2 salads, 1-of-2 soups, 1 main (beef fillet, pizza varieties or pasta varieties) and a drink (cold drinks, juice, house wine). I had the Caesar salad, pumpkin soup, medium beef fillet and a glass of red wine. The wine was OK, but the food was excellent! The flavours were great and the fillet was cooked to perfection. I was thoroughly impressed, especially for a hotel meal. Overall, the quality of the hotel and its staff - especially Alex - was superb. I was so pleased to stay there, that I changed my booking to an IHG hotel for the next stop of our trip, too.
Phòng Tiêu Chuẩn
Lưu trú vào Thg8, 2023
Gia đình
7 đánh giá
Rất Tốt
Đăng tải vào 13 Thg8, 2023
Good could be better, not much English from the staff. Good location to go by taxi to famous sports but not much nearby by walking distance. Subway stations 2 of them. 10 min walking distance.
Phòng Đôi Cao cấp
Lưu trú vào Thg8, 2023
Vợ chồng
3 đánh giá
Đăng tải vào 10 Thg8, 2023
The hotel is not too new, but generally decent. The guy who helped with the suitcases spoke excellent English, was very courteous and friendly. The guy at the front desk was quite rude. I think they can be swapped. Breakfasts are soso. At the end of our trip, we received a note from the hotel management saying that they would not be able to extend our room and the possibility of staying at the hotel, because all the rooms in the hotel are booked. And we have to leave. It would have been appropriate if we had asked about extending the room, but we did not plan to stay longer.
kok long
Phòng Đôi Cao cấp
Lưu trú vào Thg12, 2023
Vợ chồng
1 đánh giá
Rất Tốt
Đăng tải vào 2 Thg1, 2024
The staff services is above industry standard and also above my personal experience and standard. I am a frequent flyer where i travel as much as two cities in a month. From the check in to the executive lounge experience is fantastic and enjoyable, we were treated very well and the room is always ready upon check in and our request for extra bottled water was fulfilled without any question asked. The staffs at the executive lounge were so attentive to our needs and go beyond their duty and obligation by helping us to get the temple of heaven ticket online. The food at the executive lounge always have different varieties not like other international hotels where their food are the same everyday.
Tài Khoản Khách
Superior Room - City-View (Double bed)
Lưu trú vào Thg8, 2023
Vợ chồng
1 đánh giá
Đăng tải vào 31 Thg8, 2023
Generally a good hotel but quality of rooms let down by cleanliness of the carpet. Furthermore, nearest shops and restaurants are over a kilometre away.
Người Dùng Ẩn Danh
Phòng Đôi Cao cấp
Lưu trú vào Thg1, 2023
Một mình
19 đánh giá
Đáng Kinh Ngạc
Đăng tải vào 21 Thg1, 2023
Very nice hotel and the price is great, swimming pool and gym was nice. There are not much choices nearby to dine but has two subway stations close by.
Tài Khoản Khách
Superior Room - City-View (Double bed)
Lưu trú vào Thg3, 2024
Người đi công tác
11 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 8 Thg3, 2024
Good service
Phòng Đôi Cao cấp
Lưu trú vào Thg10, 2022
Gia đình
9 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 3 Thg10, 2022
Great service! Wonderful hotel! Awesome staff, will visit again!
Người Dùng Ẩn Danh
Phòng Đôi Cao cấp
Lưu trú vào Thg1, 2023
Một mình
24 đánh giá
Rất Tốt
Đăng tải vào 15 Thg1, 2023
Very satisfying stay
Tài Khoản Khách
Phòng Đôi Cao cấp
Lưu trú vào Thg4, 2023
Người đi công tác
5 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 29 Thg6, 2023
Good choice
Phòng Đôi Cao cấp
Lưu trú vào Thg5, 2024
Gia đình
156 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 15 Thg5, 2024
處處不潦草,時時有驚喜 🛏 【️北京新雲南皇冠假日酒店入住攻略】 📌 酒店概覽 Overview ❶. 綜合評價:酒店開業後的首場結婚盛典是我主持的,那場婚典的嘉賓有笑林、白凱南、賈玲等,至今記憶猶新。北京的六家皇冠假日,我們一家四口都分別住了許多次了,之所以那麼偏愛新雲南CP,原因有倆:第一,離我們東城區的家很近,就2.9公里;第二,我是雲南省哈尼族彝族自治州建水縣人,雖然定居首都已久,但是每每看到有關雲南的元素,我都會極度敏感和飽蘸愛念的。 🏨 有關客房 In Room ❶. 客房格局:這次我們入住的依舊是行政樓層2311房(80平單卧室套房),視野極佳,東三環甚或整個太陽宮地區的旖旎景緻可盡收眼底(陽光和煦,心情瞬間好好)。歡迎水果有提子等;小童衞浴備品齊全。伴手禮是我們雲南老家的特產之一——玫瑰花禮盒,可以做泡浴的情調輔佐,不由得更加想念家鄉了(巧的是,我老婆最愛的零食也是玫瑰餅);歡迎賀卡有多種文字(包括彝語等),雲南元素拉滿。房間斜對面就是行政酒廊,超級方便。 ☕️ 餐飲點滴 Dining ❶. 美食掠影:既然是我們雲南人的酒店,咖啡豆的品種自然是滇南特有的小粒咖啡,這份酸度適中的醇香在巔吧、行政酒廊、長街全日制餐廳你都可以體味到。巔吧融入了熱帶雨林風格,在此小憩,彷彿回到了西雙版納;行政酒廊的最右邊有獨立會議室,下午茶和歡樂時光的出品都很在線,我們這次入住期間,恰逢母親節,所有甜點的設計上都特別女性化,母愛暖溢,真心種草了;早餐廳的現包肉包子、炒肝、開放式咖啡台(提前做好多種類別的冷熱花式咖啡,方便出差黨隨意快速取用)等都深得客人們的青睞。四樓半的雲南餐廳,設計上採用了德宏小乘佛塔風格,為生硬冰冷的建築注入了難得一瞥的民族活力。酒店旁邊是德國大眾,再加之位置/地段的得天獨厚,所以你在餐廳邂逅德裔長住客、荷蘭皇家航空機組成員的機率是極大的,這其實也從側面印證了酒店餐飲的質量上佳,否則不會有那麼多中外常旅客樂意反覆下榻。 🏊 硬件設施 Facilities ❶. 酒店環境:酒店是為了北京夏奧會而興建的官方配套酒店,在奧運期間便深得海內外運動員、教練員、裁判、官員、媒體老師的交口稱讚,硬件、軟件和服務的上乘是毋庸置疑的。健身房和泳池都在六樓,泳池除了標準泳道外,還有兩個小童嬉戲泡池(一個常温、一個高温);健身房則多加了一個小躍層,視野會更好。還是更懷念以前的員工,現在這個泳池值班的救生員小男孩兒,態度惡劣、行為乖張,實在是給酒店形象減分啊。 🌟 難忘瞬間 the Moments ❶. 明星員工:前廳部的小徐(Melody)工作認真負責,在我們入住過的北京31家洲際系酒店中都算是翹楚級別的,必須為她點贊。 📍 簡要總結 Conclusion 1. 旅途精彩時刻:新雲南CP住了16次,這次是第17次入住。那麼頻繁地入住並不是因為酒店本身有多奢華,而是因為我血脈中的故鄉執念與信仰,所以每每去雲騰賓館吃飯或是來新雲南皇冠假日入住,都會無比開心,那種歸屬感是常人無法理解的。
Tài Khoản Khách
Phòng Tiêu Chuẩn
Lưu trú vào Thg6, 2024
Bạn bè
3 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 30 Thg6, 2024
Phòng Đôi Cao cấp
Lưu trú vào Thg6, 2024
Người đi công tác
7 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 6 Thg6, 2024
Người Dùng Ẩn Danh
Superior Room (2 beds)
Lưu trú vào Thg6, 2024
Bạn bè
8 đánh giá
Đáng Kinh Ngạc
Đăng tải vào 3 Thg6, 2024
整體來説還不錯,中規中矩無功無過。從攜程上看到酒店開業已經有一段時間,但是入住酒店之後感覺內部保養的特別好,大堂很大氣,房間很明亮,特別喜歡這一點。在服務方面酒店可能欠缺一點,雖然也還不錯但是未達到預期。感覺前台不是很熱情😂不過絲毫不影響入住體驗 下次來北京還會考慮這家😊