Tài Khoản Khách
ngày 9 tháng 11 năm 2024
各位旅客小心此酒店!我們遇到一件極為恐怖的事情,我們入住當天淋浴時,發現蓮蓬頭已經是半壞的狀態,淋浴到一半甚至掉了下來,在此宣告我們都是正常使用浴室,有鑒於蓮蓬頭已是半壞狀態,我們覺得算是正常損耗,但亦立刻通知前台此事,前台表示知悉並表示目前沒有替換的,讓我們將就用一下,中間我們也向她表示本來已經是壞掉的了,怎麼知道接下來酒店在我們離開後,透過我們預留的信用卡信息不合理扣取我們600紐幣的花灑維修費用!收到電郵簡直震驚了,不合理的點在於:(1)花灑本來就不是我們弄壞的,是前人已經使用到快壞了 ,這也都是經營酒店的正常損耗,我們並沒有去破壞,把費用算在旅客身上本來就不合理(2)事件當天我們已經向前台一位華人職員反應,前台知道不是我們刻意弄壞,並沒有告知會收取任何費用,酒店在未取得我們聯繫下任意扣取費用(3)什麼花灑需要600澳幣?我去了當地五金行看過,全都是在100塊以內。
Attention all travelers: Beware of this hotel! We encountered a truly terrifying situation. On the day we checked in, while showering, we discovered that the showerhead was already in a half-broken state. It even fell off while we were using it. We want to clarify that we used the bathroom normally. Given that the showerhead was already half-broken, we felt it was a normal depreciation, but we still immediately notified the front desk about the issue. The staff acknowledged it and said that there was no replacement available. We also told them that it was already broken.
However, after we left, the hotel unreasonably charged us 600 NZD for showerhead repairs using our credit card information left to them. We were shocked to receive the email. The charge is absolutely unreasonable in following aspects:
1. The showerhead was not damaged by us, in fact it was almost broken from previous use. This is normal depreciation for a hotel operation, the hotel charge this on travelers are insane.
2. On the day of the incident, we reported this to a Chinese staff member at the front desk, who knew that we did not deliberately break it and did not inform us that there will be any charges. The hotel deducted the fee without contacting us first.
3. What kind of showerhead costs 600 AUD? I checked at a local hardware store and found all showerheads were under 100 AUD. They did not provide a receipt for the showerhead they supposedly purchased. It is believed that the showerhead they bought could not possibly cost that much, so they cannot provide us with a receipt as proof.
After the hotel unlawfully charged my credit card, they stopped answering calls and emails. The fact that they provided us with a room that had a broken bathroom was already unsatisfactory, and now they are trying to stage an accident. Travelers, please be cautious! Don’t be fooled!