ngày 2 tháng 4 năm 2024
但留意, 由於是舊式的小旅店, 是沒有電梯的.
也沒有接待處, 客人需要到入口旁邊的小酒館辦理入住手續.
房間的設計保留舊式裝飾部份, 給人帶有田園鄉村的味道,又不會太破舊.
房間有獨立浴室, 浴室環境整潔, 總體入住經驗舒適以及有舊式風味的.
唯在入口旁的小酒吧雖然很有特色, 但發現有小曱甴,令人感到卻步.
酒吧的朋友都很熱情, 讓我深深感受澳洲人的熱情及歡迎.
The location is close to a light rail station,
a quaint, old-style small inn.
However, be mindful that as an old-style inn, there is no elevator.
There is also no reception desk; guests need to check in at the small tavern next to the entrance.
The rooms maintain some old-style decorations, providing a rustic and pastoral feel without being too run-down.
Each room has a private bathroom, which is clean, and overall the stay is comfortable with an old-world charm.
However, the small tavern by the entrance, although quite distinctive, was found to have small cockroaches, which was off-putting.
The friends at the bar are very warm, making me deeply feel the enthusiasm and welcoming nature of Australians.