About Kanguru Hotel TimikaKanguru Hotel Timika is a recommendation place for you and family to stay in an occupancy where it is comfortable, clean, and with great skyline design. This Hotel in Timika is offering facilities and special services to be create experiences that you will not forget it. Enjoy the happiness spend the night with your loved ones. Kanguru Hotel Timika LocationKanguru Hotel Timika is located at Cendrawasih Street SP2, next to BPJS Employment of Timika, Papua. Because of its location which is strategic, you will be able to easily access the trip to the inn. Enjoy your best time together with those dear to visit various destinations intriguing that there are around the hotel. Check-inThe hotel opens a reception service 24 hours a day. You can check- in at 14. 00, while for check-out at 12. 00. You do not have to hesitate to ask all you need, because you will be served with full of heart by professional staffs. Kanguru Hotel Timika Facility and ServiceBecause of an accommodation recommendation, Kanguru Hotel Timika has a variety of facilities and services exclusive to pamper the guests were middle stay. In whom is as participate:- & & & & & Parking area- & & & & & 24 hour room service & - & & & & & Smoking area & - & & & & & 24-hour front desk & - & & & & & Continental breakfast & - & & & & & Night club & - & & & & & Outdoor activities & - & & & & & Free Wi-Fi & - & & & & & Friendly Accessibility & - & & & & & Airport shuttle& Kanguru Hotel Timika RoomsThere are various selection types of rooms are offered Kanguru Hotel Timika, You can choose from 22 rooms according to the needs, including:& · & & & & Superior· & & & & Standard RoomBecause the entire room available have the comfort of the same thing with cleanliness and the facilities are special. Throughout the day you can enjoy soothing atmosphere on the terrace. Discover exciting blend of professional service and a number of facilities that exist in Kanguru Hotel...
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