Tài Khoản Khách
ngày 6 tháng 7 năm 2024
To be honest their staff service is excellent. If for the staff I would definitely come back as they are super nice, and you can communicate with the staff using Wechat which is very convenient, and they always try their best to accommodate the guests need. however, they’re cleanliness is the worst I’ve ever encountered, first of all ,what one of the guest said the review about the smell, the room  smell really really bad, I guess it from the water or the air circulation which is not clean, which causes the smell in the room, I’ve already asked them to try to do something about the smell, however they cannot, I have bought a lot of Dettol and bleach, to try to clean the room by myself, I literally use an hour to clean the whole room, however after a few hours the room went back to the terrible smell, I suspected it is there air circulation.  also, their air-conditioning has a leaking problem as well, and it has been leaking a smell of vinegar, I suspected they use vinegar to clean the air conditioning. I’m a professional traveller, as I travel around the world as a cabin crew, the smell of the hotel is the worst I have ever encountered in my life. I have been finding hair fingernails around the room which dont belong to me.  so I think the hotel need to improve on the cleanliness.
整體上,我想講,喺客戶服務方便,佢哋係做得好好,客人好多嘅要求佢哋都盡量滿足,亦都好盡量去幫手,我覺得客戶服務係非常之好,但係酒店嘅清潔就係好似好多住客所講,間房係有一浸異味,嗰陣異味係好奇怪,係好臭嘅,我已經叫咗佢哋上嚟清潔,我自己都買咗漂白水同埋滴露洗咗成間房一個鐘,但係嗰浸味其實都喺度,所以我覺得係應該係成個空調系統係有問題,同埋我喺樓梯嗰度見到有不明嘅手指甲,同埋浴缸嗰度係有其他人唔知邊個嘅頭髮,我覺得地板佢唔算好污糟,都算乾淨嘅,但係真係嗰陣異味係好難頂,所以我哋本來都係訂咗兩晚嘅酒店房,我哋都自己算了,留咗一晚就算了,因為實在太難聞浸味,所以如果好介意有臭味嘅,應該就唔好去了,間酒店係好高樓底,入到去房間係有空間咁嘅,但係真係臭到頂唔順😂 大家自行考慮會唔會選擇