Kashoutei Hanaya

Các đánh giá Kashoutei Hanaya

Kashoutei Hanaya

Onsen-cho 134, Noboribetsu City, Hokkaido, 059-0551, JapanXem thông tin khách sạn
Kashoutei Hanaya
Kashoutei HanayaKashoutei HanayaKashoutei Hanaya
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Chúng Tôi Khớp Giá
1 đêm

Đánh giá của khách

Tuyệt Vời
31 đánh giá
Đánh giá đã xác thực
Vị trí4.5
Trang thiết bị4.5
Dịch vụ4.5
Vệ sinh4.5
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Tài Khoản Khách
10 Tatami Mats (with Bath) [Japanese Room][Non-Smoking][Mountain View]
Lưu trú vào thg 1, 2025
Gia đình
11 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 15 thg 3, 2025
Tài Khoản Khách
Phòng Suite đặc biệt "Matsu" (Sức chứa 6 người) [Phòng kiểu Nhật và phương Tây][Không hút thuốc][Hướng núi][Nhìn ra sông]
Lưu trú vào thg 11, 2023
Vợ chồng
3 đánh giá
Đáng Kinh Ngạc
Đăng tải vào 30 thg 12, 2023
房間非常寬敞,獨立的衞生間、洗漱間和淋浴房,兩個卧室都配了大功率的空調、戴森的加濕器和冷暖風機,客廳和其他空間也非常大。 二食的餐配得也很用心。在房間用餐,有工作人員把餐食送到房間,逐道介紹。贈飲也很豐富,還有非常好吃的布丁。 沒有私湯,公共温泉有室內室外兩個池,9人容量,提供浴巾、毛巾、各種洗護用品。房間配有浴衣襪子,非常周到。
Tài Khoản Khách
8 Tatami Mats[Phòng Nhật Bản][Không hút thuốc][Hướng núi]
Lưu trú vào thg 12, 2023
Du lịch cùng bạn bè
225 đánh giá
Rất Tốt
Đăng tải vào 29 thg 1, 2024
Tài Khoản Khách
Lưu trú vào thg 9, 2023
Vợ chồng
3 đánh giá
Đăng tải vào 29 thg 10, 2023
Tài Khoản Khách
8 Tatami Mats[Phòng Nhật Bản][Không hút thuốc][Hướng núi]
Lưu trú vào thg 9, 2024
Du lịch cùng bạn bè
9 đánh giá
Đáng Kinh Ngạc
Đăng tải vào 1 thg 11, 2024
Tài Khoản Khách
Lưu trú vào thg 5, 2023
Gia đình
3 đánh giá
Đáng Kinh Ngạc
Đăng tải vào 3 thg 7, 2023
職員十分友善, 膳食可口
Tài Khoản Khách
Lưu trú vào thg 1, 2024
Đăng tải vào 26 thg 2, 2024
On the edge of town and a good walk away from local shops, restaurants and Hell Valley, this small ryokan is comfortable, although a little dated in decor. Our room was spacious with a view of the river nearby and snow covered hillsides. There is a very small lounge overlooking a tiny garden, but strangely it is not permitted to sit there and drink the free beverages provided in the afternoon - "Go to your room to drink" says the signage! Our meals served in our room by a charming lady were good and plentiful and all staff were very friendly and helpful, with a shuttle bus provided from the station and to Hell Valley on request. We were disappointed with the baths, both indoor and outdoor, which were all very small and certainly smaller than they appeared in the photos. All baths were also run down and in need of maintenance and upgrading. The tokonoma in our room had a picture hanger but there was no picture or decoration attached. Of the six onsen we stayed at in Hokkaido and Honshu during our visit, we felt this one offered the least value for money.
Tài Khoản Khách
Lưu trú vào thg 11, 2023
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 20 thg 12, 2023
I went to 4 different Onsen hotels/ryokans during this trip to Hokkaido, Kashotei Hanaya was by far my favorite and probably the most traditional. The staff was so friendly, the place had a very calm atmosphere and the kaiseki was possibly the best meal I had during my 17 days in Hokkaido. They adhere to no shoes anywhere on the premises, it's very quiet and while they offer free sake and beer in the afternoon, guests are expected to enjoy in their rooms. They also have a gift shop with plenty of other libations for purchase. The tatami rooms were very spacious and comfortable. The entire ryokan is well maintained. The tatami room was clean and the finishings, from the walls, to the flooring to the bathroom are kept in near pristine condition. There were also decorations and little vases of flowers throughout the hotel that were changed out daily. If you appreciate attention to detail, you will like this Ryokan. The refrigerator in the room is refilled daily if you'd like, but those drinks are also available to grab for free during the afternoon. Breakfast and Dinner are served in your room and you get to choose what time works for you. Breakfast is a traditional set meal and dinners are kaiseki meals. The food was so delicious and meticulously prepared. Of the main touristy strip of Noboribetsu, this Ryokan is the furthest away from Hell Valley, but it was still walking distance. Last but not least, the onsens on the premises are lovely. They are small, with a limit of 9 people at any given point but I didn't experience any issues while I was staying there. There are 2 indoor and 2 outdoor baths and I had the opportunity to sit it in the outdoor baths while it snowed. Don't expect a lot of English speaking staff here but with the help of Google Translate, everything is fine.
Lưu trú vào thg 12, 2024
Đăng tải vào 28 thg 1, 2025
Tài Khoản Khách
Lưu trú vào thg 9, 2022
Đăng tải vào 30 thg 10, 2022
Tài Khoản Khách
Lưu trú vào thg 5, 2022
Đăng tải vào 4 thg 6, 2022
【アクセス】 新千歳空港から登別温泉行きの高速バスで登別温泉手前の「つつじ橋」下車。 徒歩3分程度。 本数は少ない(現在1本のみ)が、便利なアクセス。 【チェックイン】 宿の外でお迎えがあり、こちらから名乗らなくてもちゃんと宿泊客を確認されていた (到着予定時間から?)のは好印象。 チェックインも丁寧で、部屋までの案内もあっておもてなし感が良い。 【部屋】和室6畳(禁煙) 思ったほど狭さを感じない部屋。 トイレと冷蔵庫などが入り口にあり、大きな窓からは山並みが少し見えて、 閉塞感もない。 冷蔵庫の飲み物がフリー(持ち帰りはダメとのこと)で、ビールまであったのは好印象。 今回は夕朝食付きにしたが、夕食はアラカルトや定食も用意されており、それでも良かったかも。 部屋食なのもまだまだコロナが気になる自分には、好印象。 17時までは、フロント前でサワーをいただけるようになっていてそれも良かった。 【大浴場】 2ヶ所あり、1日目と2日目で男女入れ替えで両方楽しめる。 どちらも大差はないが、源泉掛け流しで小さいながらも 毎回ほぼ貸切状態で楽しめたので良かった。 【夕・朝食】 チェックイン時に、時間指定をお願いして、部屋食。 今回は僅かな追加料金で夕食は白老牛の牛三昧会席プラン。 牛の握り寿司、陶板焼き、すき焼きとどれも美味しくいただけた。 食前酒とワンドリンクサービスもあって、余市林檎酒をいただいたが、 とてもおいしかった。 そのほか、刺身など一品料理も、量的にも満足行くものだった。 最後のデザートも、女子受けしそうな可愛らしいデザイン。 朝食も、ご飯が非常に美味しく、焼き魚、湯豆腐と満足行くものだった。 【最後の最後に・・・】 バスの時間が10:30過ぎ、ホテルのチェックアウトが11時までだったので、 10時15分くらいに出ようか、あと30分くらい・・・ と部屋でくつろいでいると、 なんだか振動が・・・なぜかなーと思っていた数分後、 なんと部屋の窓のすぐ外(50cmくらい)に数人の作業員の方が立っていて、 話しているではないですか。 向こうから丸見え。 そんな話は事前に一切聞いておらず、すぐにフロントに電話したところ、 作業は中断されたようだったが、 せっかくいい宿に泊まれたと思っていたのが、これで一気に幻滅。 すぐに支度をして、チェックアウト。 最後に女性スタッフ(女将かも知らないが、挨拶も名札もないのでわからず)が、 「すいません、我々も知らない間に始まっていて・・・」などと言い訳されたが、 そもそも基本的な宿泊客のプライバシー配慮ができないのはあり得ない、 宿が自分の建物の作業開始を知らないなどあり得ない、 あわよくばなかなか出て行かない(とはいえまだチェックアウト時間前)客を 追い出そうとされたのかとも思わせるくらい非常に不快。 手土産を渡そうとされたが、そんな話ではない、そもそも荷物を増やしたくないので、 丁重にお断りしつつ、料金もしっかりと請求通り支払って、 こんな対応をする宿に再訪はないと考えながら見送りなどもなく宿を後に。 その後のフォローなど特になく、 下手したらただの文句言いの客、程度のこととしか認識していないことが最悪。 【総評】 最後のひどい対応がなければ評価4.5くらいの是非再訪したい宿だったが、 これまで数え切れないくらいのあちこち宿泊した宿の中でも、初めてのあり得ない対応。 非常に残念。
Tài Khoản Khách
Lưu trú vào thg 3, 2022
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 2 thg 4, 2022
豪華さは無いけどサービスは最高でした。 加水していない濃い温泉成分と心地よい湯温に癒される。 朝、夕食とも部屋食なのもいい。 料理の追加注文もでき、パフェ類もある。夜食は23時までだったかルームサービスあり。 大規模な施設、見た目の豪華さをお望みの方は不向きだと思います。