Arkadiusz M
ngày 8 tháng 12 năm 2023
the hotel is poor, very large, very stretched, poor, unmaintained infrastructure, Venezuelans have hearing problems, the music is always playing so loud that you can't sit still and relax, people respect that there are different guests, how can you play music that hurts your ears, hotel this is not a disco!!! language problem, learn English because the whole world doesn't speak Spanish, Venezuela is not the center of the world in this way. not attracting new tourists, it is quite dirty, the beach is poor, the service is generally nice, my conclusion is that this country is not yet ready for tourists of a certain standard, there are a lot of guests from Russia, which I didn't like. very poor, Venezuela is not yet prepared to receive guests, I will not come again, very noisy hotel, people who work there probably have a problem with their hearing hotel pobre, muy grande, muy estirado, infraestructura pobre y sin mantenimiento, los venezolanos tienen problemas de audición, la música siempre suena tan alta que no puedes sentarte y relajarte, la gente respeta que haya diferentes invitados, ¿cómo puedes poner música que duele? tus oídos, hotel esto no es una discoteca!!! problema de idioma, aprende ingles porque el mundo entero no habla español, Venezuela no es el centro del mundo en este sentido. no atrae nuevos turistas, está bastante sucia, la playa es mala, el servicio en general es bueno, mi conclusión es que este país aún no está preparado para recibir turistas hasta cierto punto, hay muchos huéspedes de Rusia, lo cual no hice 'T como