Kamo Residences by Reflections

Các đánh giá Kamo Residences by Reflections

Kamo Residences by Reflections

447-6 Kajiicho, Kamigyo Ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, 602-0841, JapanXem thông tin khách sạn
Kamo Residences by Reflections
Kamo Residences by ReflectionsKamo Residences by ReflectionsKamo Residences by Reflections
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Tài Khoản Khách
Garden River Suite
Lưu trú vào thg 9, 2024
15 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 4 thg 9, 2024
服務:服務非常棒,有比較良好的中文服務和英文介紹,很親切。 環境:鴨川附近能欣賞到美景和下去散步,很棒的感受,但是白天會比較熱,空調開起來就好了。 衞生:衞生很棒很乾凈,如果盥洗室有鎖就更好了,找了半天沒找到。 酒店設計麻雀雖小五臟俱全,而且很精簡很舒適,床鋪沙發都是很棒的,燈的設計也很好。還有野餐墊可以用。價格不便宜但是地理位置好性價比整體很高,早餐也很全面的西式簡餐。服務人員也都很友善,可以寄存一會行李也會幫忙送出去,想要享受假期值得體驗。 酒店有露台和花園,邊上有咖啡店,離bus st和地鐵站都不遠,便利店也在附近哦。
Tài Khoản Khách
Suite Executive nhìn ra sông
Lưu trú vào thg 8, 2024
Gia đình
3 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 25 thg 8, 2024
第一次帶着兩個孩子慢遊京都,儘管天氣非常炎熱,但完全不影響我們愜意的心情。我們選擇了去年剛開業時住過的那家酒店,因為體驗感特別棒。這次帶孩子來,也毫不猶豫地再次入住。 首先,這家酒店的地點非常好。出門就是鴨川公園,那裡有跳跳石,孩子們可以在河邊摸魚、戲水。還可以騎自行車在鴨川邊探索不同的風景。很多本地的孩子們、學生們和大人們在河邊練舞、練琴、打球,歡聲笑語,好不熱鬧。 其次,酒店完全就是一個拎包入住的酒店式公寓。廚房、微波爐、洗衣機一應俱全,非常適合帶孩子的家庭來京都小住。 第三,酒店管理非常人性化,全程無打擾模式服務,但又有服務熱線隨時在線,幫我們安排餐廳、機場接送、訂票等各種要求。 由於8月16日是京都一年一度的大文字五山送り火活動,我們果斷地取消了下一程的行程,在酒店裡多住了兩天。孩子們從下午就開始興奮起來,穿上當地的納涼和服,酒店後面的商業街上也搭起了許多小吃攤位,熱鬧非凡,到處都洋溢着節日的氣氛。晚上八點,燒山活動正式開始,場面十分壯觀,真的是一場視覺盛宴。雖然我們在房間裏就可以無遮擋地觀看整個過程,但我們還是帶着孩子們早早去了酒店的天台。觀景天台真的是絕佳的觀看地點,整片天台上也熱鬧非凡,所有酒店的客人都聚集在一起,觀看這個神聖的儀式。 強烈推薦大家有機會去京都遊玩時,去這家酒店體驗一下。
Tài Khoản Khách
Garden River Suite
Lưu trú vào thg 8, 2024
Gia đình
6 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 15 thg 8, 2024
Tài Khoản Khách
Garden River Suite
Lưu trú vào thg 9, 2024
Một mình
7 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 3 thg 9, 2024
Suite Executive nhìn ra sông
Lưu trú vào thg 8, 2024
Du lịch cùng bạn bè
4 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 17 thg 8, 2024
忙碌了幾天才靜得下心來寫評價。説實話,全球知名酒店也算打卡無數,在無論商務或者旅行角度,對於酒店的軟硬件要求都不算低。Kamo Residences by Reflections是旅居京都的不二之選。五星好評!1.定位居於五星酒店和高端民宿之間。硬件、衞生的角度,五星評價;服務的角度,既有標準化的服務,又有非常人性化的思考,注重私密,拿捏的恰到好處。2.超優越的地理位置與交通。無論是包車或公共交通,都安全、便捷。3.優越的自然環境。鴨川公園旁,落地窗外日夜各呈一景。以至於天熱都懶得出門。4.內裝裝飾角度,既有日式的精緻,又有現代歐式的大氣簡約,藝術格調在線。頂樓小花園是亮點,可預約廚師籌備小型接待。5.中英日三文貼心服務。最後説一句,超實在的早餐量都把我喂胖了。 總之,非常滿意的打卡,期待下次相聚。🌾🌾🌾
Tài Khoản Khách
Lưu trú vào thg 6, 2024
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 12 thg 6, 2024
Through and through a fabulous time here. Management prepared a dinner for us on the roof terrace with delivery from their fine dining restaurant. Fine wines, a little pricey but rarities available Laundry service with our own washer dryer and dry cleaning available too, good coz we had already stayed in Japan for 3 weeks. Thank you to Summer, Calvin, and the staff.
Tài Khoản Khách
Lưu trú vào thg 6, 2024
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 1 thg 6, 2024
Very kind and caring. Small boutique we booked last minute. Early checkin and late checkout. Really breath tsking restaurant selections based on our preferences. Full service, spotless and innovative place.High calibre service and wonderful suites. Opulent style and caring around the clock concierge.
Tài Khoản Khách
Lưu trú vào thg 6, 2024
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 1 thg 6, 2024
Reservations offered a better direct booking rate including breakfast and airport limo. New place with smart home amenities and gut service. I had to work some, my laptop mouse broke, front desk went to get me a new one in no time while I had lunch. Really appreciate their attention. Quiet, yet lively neighbourhood. Artistic and galleries nearby. Dining reservations were out of this world. 360 degrees of happiness.
Tài Khoản Khách
Lưu trú vào thg 6, 2024
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 1 thg 6, 2024
That's what I call service. Stayed 2 nights, received a complimentary upgrade, and they improved on my restaurant research. The planned my entire site seeing. The general idea was to avoid the crowds and see the more unusual, hidden place the city has to offer. The tour guide was amazing, and so was the bright suite and beautiful views. Topaz!
Tài Khoản Khách
Lưu trú vào thg 5, 2024
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 31 thg 5, 2024
Bauhaus architecture style boutique as modern inside as outside. Interior decoration is art deco / italian with black and white photography. Large and airy suite, we had a nice time here. All taken care of, no hustle or stress during out time here. We werent able to make reservations, front desk took care and ordered our transpo too. Clean 👍🏻 and very personalized!
Tài Khoản Khách
Lưu trú vào thg 5, 2024
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 31 thg 5, 2024
We ate well, only the best restaurants and surprisingly reasonably priced 1-3 michelin star restaurants, concierge booked all for us a month in advance. Enjoyed the home feeling and the tidy, functional, and gorgeously decorated suites. Top choice for us as we prefer non crowded and private atmosphere Wonderfully clean and fresh feeling riverside.
Tài Khoản Khách
Lưu trú vào thg 5, 2024
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 23 thg 5, 2024
Ultra modern and amazing amenities, and romsntic view. Music was running when we entered our suite with ice-cold complimentary Cava and local tofu-wagyu sandwiches + yuzu salad we ordered due to late arrival. 3 days of prearranged sites visited, our driver stopped for lunch at a fine dining ramen, and didn't know that existed. Dinners were very different every day, from local to fusion. One better than the other. Rio bought prepaid spending cards for us for train and local shopping. Very useful.
Tài Khoản Khách
Lưu trú vào thg 5, 2024
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 23 thg 5, 2024
Fabulous service by a concierge and manager who went the distance to make us relax from arrival. Greeting with champagne and mochi, a local soft confectionary. They took care of our entire itinerary, from airport transfer - tour guide - michelin star restaurants to train tickets. No issues or hick ups. Excellent wine cellar in room, we had a couple of bottles of grand cru. Rare, pricey, but worth it. We ll come in autumn to see the turning leaves.
Tài Khoản Khách
Lưu trú vào thg 5, 2024
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 23 thg 5, 2024
We stayed as a group of six in four suites. The front desk gave us side-by-side suites on the 2nd and 3rd floors. Large with full amenities like kitchen, washer, dryer and complimentary minibar. We also had an assistant who arranged our tour guide, fine dining restaurants and custom breakfast deliveries to the room: superb service experience, excellent detail and decoration, high quality and huge beds. We stayed 7 nights with complimentary airport transfer, luxurious limousine. Thank you to the manager 🙏🏻
Tài Khoản Khách
Lưu trú vào thg 5, 2024
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 21 thg 5, 2024
Thank you to the Kamo Residences service team. We had an unforgettable trip to Kyoto this time. I appreciate your help in arranging a surprise party for my wife. The BBQ party on the roof terrace was fantastic. The food, wine, and atmosphere were all wonderful. My wife was so happy, and so was I.