Tài Khoản Khách
ngày 12 tháng 1 năm 2023
After an 11 hours flight from Sweden. Taxi from airport, boat and taxi again, we arrived at this 5 star hotell. We had booked and payed a mounth before arriwal and of course we had the reciept and booking printed out and with us. BUT, the receptionist didnt find it in there system. OK , things can get wrong, but its howe you deal with it that is important. So for us flying from Sweden ( for us 04 at night, mexico time 21) they didnt have a room for us. And they were not really interesed in solving this. No one really didnt care , they just said, over and over again, that they cant help because they dont have a booking in there system. Since we booked with Tui we asked them to call Tui, but they didnt have an number to call without office time. They were not interested at al in helping us out dispyte that we stood there with our booking and reciept of payment. They repeted several times that the only thing we could do, were to rent and pay for a new room that night ( i dont remember but i think it was about paying aound 5000 dollar ) And when this was sorted out we would get thoose money back. OK we have that money , but we already paid 14 nigths!!! in advance and have a receat. This was to much , they couldt even let us sleep without paying that night and the day after figuring out what went wrong. This went on for at least an hour, not what you expect from an 5 star in the middle of night. So at 04 for us at night, we didnt have a bed for the night, They refused to give us a room without paying . I satt in the sofa crying tired as i were and my husband countinued the argument at the desk. Finally he forsed her to countinue serching and she called someone and after an 15 minuits conversation with someone, we dont know who... THEY FOUND THE RESERVATION AND PAYMENT!!! of course, we said so and showed you. We dont know who she called but maybe it shoud have been done on her intiative and directly?! So now we can have a nights sleep without paying extra, but there is no room prepared for us, So we spent one nigt in a room with 2 seperate beds. The day after we waited until 5 pm to get a new room. We didnt unpack and just hang around since we didnt now when to get the new room. Not howe we wanted to spend our first day . For the discomfort we asked to be upgraded or at least something, but when the receptionist called the manager the day after, the manager disided that not! So we didnt even get an real excuse for this!!! This had a big impact on our romantic 2 weekend stay at the palace. NO excuse, no compensation. We arnt rich but we save for an exlusive , problem free waccation and this is the welcomming? We travel a lot both in buisness and for vaccation and i have never had an welcomming as bad as this, I have runned my own hotel in Florence Italy for 6 years and if this had happend there i had been running nuts to make it up for them, but here noone really cared... /Cecilia Anderson Woods