Tài Khoản Khách
ngày 10 tháng 7 năm 2024
Náš pobyt v tomto hoteli bol veľkým sklamaním. Izba, ktorú sme dostali (číslo 202), mala neumytú vaňu a veľké škvrny na gauči. Fotografie nezodpovedali realite. Navyše, izba bola plná nezvyčajného hmyzu, ktorý sme objavili za posteľou, za gaučom a na posteli. Moja priateľka mala po celom tele viditeľné štípance. Ďalším nepríjemným prekvapením boli technické problémy. Kľúč v kúpeľni sa nedal pretočiť a nebolo možné zamykať dvere, rovnako ako prepnúť sprchu vo vani. Najviac nás však sklamala komunikácia s manažmentom. Na naše následné emaily sme nedostali odpoveď. Táto nedostatočná reakcia a nezáujem o riešenie problémov hostí je neprijateľná. Bohužiaľ, na základe našej skúsenosti tento „hotel“ neodporúčame nikomu, kto očakáva aspoň základnú úroveň čistoty a služieb. / Our stay at this hotel was a huge disappointment. The room we were given (number 202) had an unclean bathtub and large stains on the sofa. The photos did not match reality. Additionally, the room was full of unusual insects that we found behind the bed, behind the sofa, and on the bed. My girlfriend had visible bites all over her body. Another unpleasant surprise was the technical issues. The bathroom key wouldn’t turn, making it impossible to lock the door, and the shower in the tub couldn't be switched on. The most disappointing aspect was the communication with the management. We received no response to our follow-up emails. This lack of response and disinterest in resolving guests' issues is unacceptable. Unfortunately, based on our experience, we do not recommend this "hotel" to anyone expecting at least a basic level of cleanliness and service.