Tài Khoản Khách
ngày 26 tháng 5 năm 2024
This resort is truly of a Hyatt level: Beautiful, modern, and clean. The staff are well-trained and professional. I was particularly impressed at the way they followed my dietary preferences and cooked everything per my requests. In the evening, for example, they’d discuss what I’d like to have for breakfast, and so my mornings there never had any issues. Also, on the second day, I asked for a room with a bathtub and was upgraded to such room — absolutely free of charge!! I’m so grateful!!! There are MANY MANY areas at the resort for people to enjoy themselves separately, without bothering each other or interfering with one another’s activities. My favorite pastime? — lying in a hammock with a purring cat on my stomach:))) Simply amazing!!!! Absolutely recommend!!!!
这个度假村是真正的凯悦级别:美丽、现代、干净。工作人员训练有素,专业。他们遵循我的饮食偏好并按照我的要求烹饪一切的方式给我留下了特别深刻的印象。例如,在晚上,他们会讨论我想吃什么早餐,所以我的早晨从来没有任何不愉快的惊喜。另外,第二天,我要求一个带浴缸的房间,并立即升级到这样的房间——完全免费!我非常感激!!度假村有许多区域供人们单独享受,而不会互相打扰或干扰彼此的活动。我最喜欢的消遣?— 躺在吊床上,肚子上有一只咕噜咕噜的猫:))) 简直太棒了!!!绝对推荐!!!