Hotel Barcelona Center

Các đánh giá Hotel Barcelona Center

Hotel Barcelona Center

C/ de Balmes, 103, Barcelona, Catalonia, 08008, SpainXem thông tin khách sạn
Hotel Barcelona Center
Hotel Barcelona CenterHotel Barcelona CenterHotel Barcelona Center
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1 đêm

Đánh giá của khách

Rất Tốt
78 đánh giá
Đánh giá đã xác thực
Vị trí4.4
Trang thiết bị4.3
Dịch vụ4.3
Vệ sinh4.3
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Tất cả đánh giá(78)
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Tài Khoản Khách
Phòng Tiêu Chuẩn
Lưu trú vào thg 5, 2024
Vợ chồng
5 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 2 thg 6, 2024
Modern hotel, smells nice & fresh. Great location & easy walk to most attractions. Breakfast was really amazing with great variety & options. Definitely worth it. Rooftip hottubs were nice but we didn't find time to use it! Small gym but good enough for us. Excellent staff.
Tài Khoản Khách
Phòng đơn Superior
Lưu trú vào thg 2, 2024
Người đi công tác
1 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 7 thg 2, 2024
Staff is super helpful, great location, love it so much!!!!
Phòng Tiêu Chuẩn
Lưu trú vào thg 8, 2022
Du lịch cùng bạn bè
6 đánh giá
Đăng tải vào 15 thg 8, 2022
Hello I want to write my experience at this hotel I booked 3 nights for this hotel the First night I came they had a leaking in my room Above my bed. I told them to check up my room it was my First check in day. So there was a Maroccan guy Very Nice but hé couldnt do a lot just change the sheets.. so I slept with a wet bed, and the next day they changed me to an other room. No manager who came to me to say sorry. They didnt offerd me anything. So I complaind and asked for the manager. Hé told me hé was sorry they had a leaking From the toilet so I slept with a wet bed From the toilet water and finally that hé only could change te room and give me one free night breakfast. I thought oké that’s fine I came just for vacation no stress and no change for rooms Or hotels everytime. So finally one night i woke up and saw that my people was all green and yellow From fungus so I slept on a pillow full of fungus and yellow dirt. I complaindd to an other manager a woman and she was sorry and she told me if u want u stay one night extra for free as I wanted to extend my trip. I told her it’s fine now but this is really not oké and healthy I have astmatic problems the rooms are so humid and a lot of people complain about the staff and the big manager is the rudest person ever. So finally when i checked out they told me I still need to pay for that extra night that they told me its for free.. so they charged me this extra night finally. And I called the police and explained they said I need to pay Because had no prove that they wont charge me the extra night Because after she said we didnt say that. So they were lieng. After this I heard a lot of people who came complaind about the staffs and the rooms. This is the badest hotel ive ever been in my entire life I would never recommend this hotel to anyone becarefull please!!!
Sarah Dee2
Phòng Tiêu Chuẩn
Lưu trú vào thg 10, 2021
Du lịch cùng bạn bè
4 đánh giá
Đáng Kinh Ngạc
Đăng tải vào 23 thg 10, 2021
I have mixed feelings about my experience. The hotel is a nice hotel. The location is amazing. It’s clean, rooms are spacious and the staff are extremely professional, pleasant and serviceable. Unfortunately the hotel and our room had a very musty smell- almost like wet carpet or wet towel which we didn’t like. Housekeeping is extremely slow, I’m not sure if there is only one cleaner but essentially we could leave for hours and come back and still find our room had not been cleaned yet. Also, we didn’t like the food…limited options and it’s the same thing everyday…and not all of it was pleasant to eat. We had paid for half board so we didn’t want our money to go to waste but otherwise I wouldn’t have eaten at the hotel.
Tài Khoản Khách
Phòng Tiêu Chuẩn
Lưu trú vào thg 7, 2024
Một mình
4 đánh giá
Nổi Bật
Đăng tải vào 2 thg 10, 2024
Lưu trú vào thg 2, 2022
Gia đình
11 đánh giá
Đăng tải vào 25 thg 2, 2022
在攜程近5年 在國外住過不下100家酒店 相信前無古人 後無來者 這家真的是最噁心可怕的經歷 絕對是服務行業的恥辱 因為帶着孩子 所以提前一兩週和攜程四次聯繫 告知因為航班是早晨6點到達巴塞隆拿 可否和酒店協調 儘量能早一點入住 酒店告知攜程有房可以協調 因為沒有得到確切答案 當天6點到達機場 為了不給自己和攜程找麻煩 帶着孩子在清晨三度的巴塞隆拿閑逛 一直到12點多才打車去酒店 因為小朋友實在太累了 想着去酒店等一會兒就有房間了 精疲力盡的到了酒店 客客氣氣的想辦理入住 前台的一個五十多歲的叫Natalia的女士從我們進門像吃了槍葯一樣 沒有房間 兩點以後...然後我們説麻煩問一下 如果升級一個房型大概多少錢 她上來隨嘴就600多歐 各位可以看看他們家酒店的價格 後來我先生找到他們總經理告知這個事情 他都無法理解這位前台的行徑 這些都還不算 我們等了大概一小時不到 我先生過去説拜託問一下阿姨大概何時能打掃好 可否有個大概的時間 這位神奇的女士上來吼着 你懂什麼 我需要你教我如何工作?.....因為有小朋友在旁邊 我和先生都強忍着怒火 我先生告知她 他是洛桑酒店管理學校畢業的 他確實知道酒店業如何工作 相信絕對不會像她這樣工作 這位脾氣暴烈的前台突然莫名其妙歇斯底里起來 我們小孩也被嚇着了這時我先生開始電話找他們的總經理 因為總經理在休假 電話也關機衹能留言 我先生告知這個前台 他馬上報警 這位前台竟然威脅起來 你敢 我保證你今天不會有房間 你試試 我現在取消你的booking 稍微有點常識的人都知道 她是一個前台 我們的錢已付給攜程 她有什麼權利威脅客人...因為有帶着小朋友 我們忍到二點左右 另外一個人辦理的入住 小朋友也給明顯這位前台嚇着 等到兩點也累了 第一天到達巴塞隆拿就遇見這種事 整整兩天小朋友都躺在床上 大人的心在滴血 這件事攜程從頭至尾積極協調 酒店根本不接電話不處理 這件事給攜程點贊 雖然在國外三年多未回家 但是對攜程一直信任 再來説説其它 酒店設施老化嚴重 和國內二星差不多 整個房間一股異味 疫情期間這種打掃程度也是沒誰了 阿姨沒有口罩 所以乾脆不要打掃 服務什麼就別期待了 而且酒店安全也很成問題 隨便什麼人都可以進出 很多小偷 所以入住前還讓你簽一個西班牙語協議 還不告訴你是什麼 後來我們簽了字 上樓自己翻譯了才知道 協議就是任何物品在房間被偷了自己負責...後來我們換到感恩大街的Majestic Hotel也沒有這種安全擔憂 住在Majestic Hotel一對比真的是一個天堂天花板 一個地獄 如果來巴塞隆拿旅遊真的建議別來這家酒店給自己花錢找麻煩